Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It is Tuesday afternoon January 27th. If you are reading this on that day or soon after you know that most of Denton is shut down because of an "expected" ice storm! I can remember as a kid hoping that every day in January and February would be a snow day because that meant NO SCHOOL! Now as an adult I really don't like Snow Days, but I will admit, as a pastor, I like them a whole lot more during the week than on weekends! If they don't' interrupt Sunday worship and other activities I can tolerate them a whole lot easier! I am amazed at how quickly bad weather can shut things down in North Texas and how quick we are to cancel everything that's happening. I'm convinced my staff at First Baptist Church is still like I was as a kid, they hope for a snow day, and since I'm the only one in the office today I guess the proof is in the pudding!

On days like this where schedules are interrupted, things don't get done like we hoped and everything comes to a halt we at least have the opportunity to catch up on some things. I spoke to a mother of three in our church this afternoon and she said they were using today to catch up on homework at their house. Great idea! My wife and daughter went to the mall instead! Regardless of what you do with a day like today it is a reminder that everything doesn't always go as planned. The older I get the more I realize that's OK. It's OK to have a day that doesn't go as planned or a day where everything is turned upside down. After all God is still in control and you will most likely have tomorrow to get the things done that you had hoped to do today.

So have fun on the SNOW DAYS of life although the worst part about this one is: there is no snow to go out and play in!