Monday, January 7, 2008

First Time Blogger

Today I come into the age of blogging. My family accuses me of being way behind when it comes to technology. I know enough about computers to do what I need to do in preparing sermons or e-mailing but not much more. I don't have an ipod and they think I know nothing about their's. My cell phone is way out of date but I can make phone calls and answer them. And as of about a month ago I now do text messages as well. I really don't know why they think I'm so far behind!! Today I'm making another step forward by creating my own blog, which by the way except for a little help from my administrative assistant, I did all on my own! So take that family!

I'm going to ease into this blogging thing. At this point I'm not sure what I will put in my blogs or how often I will do so, but I'm sure as with most other things in my life it will evolve over time. I plan to talk some about my family, certainly a lot about my church. I'm certain I will even deal with some things like politics from time to time especially with the presidential race in 2008. While I would not share my political feelings from the pulpit or in the church newsletter or even on our website, this blog is my own and I will share things that I would not share in my role as pastor of First Baptist Church Denton. I'm sure I will talk about sports and my other passions and anything else that hits me on a particular day.

So if you are a seasoned blogger, be patient with me while I figure this thing out and hopefully surprise my family in the process.

I'll be watching the national championship game tonight. Denton's own Hermon Johnson all 6'7" and 356 pounds of him will be playing for LSU. I don't really care who wins tonight but I'm predicting LSU 24 Ohio State 17 While I watch I'll be dreaming of the day when Baylor plays for the national championship! What a dream!


Kenny said...

Welcome to the blogging world. My children also accuse me of being "technology impaired" My guess is our children wouldn't know a Big Chief Tablet from a spiral notebook. If you want to really confuse them ask them if they ever heard of an abacus.
Baylor in the national championship?
That's not a dream,thats a fantasy!
I look forward to seeing what you decide to write about.
Kenny K.

DudeNotPerfect said...

Way to go, Jeff! Looking forward to your blog thoughts... consider yourself bookmarked!


Homie said...

Dr. Jeff
Welcome to blogging. Thanks for letting us get to know you better. My brother played football for LSU in the 80's. So all my family are big fans.

twalk said...

Not a big sports person, but glad to read from people i love and admire. My utmost for His Highest, today, was AWESOME, as usual! The only other person i read, Blog wise, is BETH MOORE- Love the NAME-bearpastor-funny!

Diane said...

Dr. Jeff - I'm so glad you have started blogging. I don't much like reading about sports, but I look forward to reading any other topics that you will write about.

In response to Kenny's comment - maybe it just shows that I'm not as young as I think I am, but I remember using a Big Chief tablet in school, and until recently still had some of my Big Chief writings (purged them when Brent and I got married, I'm trying to get over my pack rat tendencies).

Diane Dooley